Travel: Murano, Burano, and Torcello, Italy
The beauty of the Venetian Islands: Murano, Burano, and Torcello.
This was just day #3 of our Italian vacation last April 2019. We actually set out early to buy some ingredients to cook at home later that night. From where we stayed, there was a small market and butcher just by the corner. And the vegetable kiosk just a few steps away. So off we went to gather our marketing loot, brought it back home, and then headed out to the water taxis for our trip to the islands.
Just a disclaimer: we REALLY DID NOT match our outfits for them to coordinate this way. For our whole trip, we had the itinerary (Thank you, Camille for preparing it 😘, love you!). So we knew where we would go. I even did a whole "Italian outfit" photo album so I knew which day was what. But for some reason, the universe aligned for all of us to coordinate.
What a chill day this was. For lunch, we even had a sort-of picnic (where Mike and Carlo were so intent on trying to feed the hungry and curious birds). We took our time to really go around and take in the place. The sound of the birds were happy-chirping, the smell of the air was sweet, and all the colours were just so beautiful. What a feast for our eyes indeed! It looked like a painter's palette. And it almost felt like I was in an ad because of how well everything went together. Even the laundry hanging out to dry in some local's window looked like it was planned to be there! We walked around the islands, watched a grandpa fix up the side of a building, had some ice cream, and some more gelato, walked about the glass shops in Murano, the lace shops in Burano, and even took a photo op by the bridge. Thank goodness we headed out early, didn't have to compete with a lot of tourists. And what a small world, Mama Mayaw even met her colleague from where she worked before!
Of course, I had to take home a little something, a small souvenir from Murano. I found the perfect little elephant (and in black and gold too!); a group effort to find this indeed.
Of course, I had to take home a little something, a small souvenir from Murano. I found the perfect little elephant (and in black and gold too!); a group effort to find this indeed.
At the end of the day, we made dinner at home. Together with my Sous Chef Mike, we prepared some truffle steak, a mushroom risotto, a fresh salad, some breads and cheeses, and paired it with a Prosecco. And we capped off the day watching an episode of Game of Thrones.
Here are some photos to take you to Murano, Burano, and Torcello.

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